Victoria Glenn Christensen
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
Victoria Christensen received her B.A. from Hamline University and B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Kansas. Her master’s research examined the occurrence and fate of dissolved solids, nutrients, atrazine, and bacteria in an agricultural watershed. She joined the USGS Kansas Water Science Center in 1992 and the USGS Minnesota Water Science Center in 2002. Her interests and project work include real-time water-quality monitoring, effects of land use on water quality, the fate of nutrients in agricultural and reservoir systems, and reservoir sediment studies. She also has an interest in writing and communicating science topics to broad audiences and is a trainer and USGS Subject Matter Expert on Scientific Project Management.
Research Interest
buffers rule curves, water-level management agricultural conservation practices nutrient cycling eutrophication
Christensen, Victoria G., Wakeman, E.S., and Maki, R.P., 2016, Discharge and Nutrient Transport between Lakes in a Hydrologically Complex Area of Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 2010-2012, Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1–14
Kastner, B.J., Christensen, V.G., Williamson, T.N., and Sanocki, C.A., 2016, Migratory bird habitat in relation to tile drainage and poorly drained hydrologic soil groups: 2016 10th International Drainage Symposium Conference, 6-9 September 2016, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Christensen, V.G., Larson, J.H., Maki, R.P., Sandheinrich, M.B., Brigham, M.E., Kissane, Claire, and LeDuc, J.E., 2017, Lake levels and water quality in comparison to fish mercury body burdens, Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota, 2013-14: U.S Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5175, 17. p.