W. Barclay Shoemaker
The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands
W. Barclay Shoemaker,Hydrologist (RGE) Southeast Region
Research Interest
hydrology saltwater intrusion water circulation water cycle
Shoemaker W.B., O’Reilly, A.M., Sepulveda, N., Williams, S.A., Motz, L.H., and Suiv, Q., 2003. Comparison of estimated areas contributing recharge to selected springs in north-central Florida using multiple ground-water flow models, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-448. 31 p.
Shoemaker W.B., Edwards, K.M., 2003. Potential for salt-water intrusion in the lower Tamiami aquifer beneath Bonita Springs in southwestern Florida, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigation Report 03-4246. 74 p.
Langevin, C.D., Shoemaker, W.B., and Guo, W., 2003. MODFLOW-2000: The U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model – Documentation of the SEAWAT-2000 version with the variable-density flow process (VDF) and the integrated MT3Dms transport process (IMT). U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 03-426, 43 p.