
Environmental Sciences Experts

William R Green

The U.S. Geological Survey
United States Virgin Islands


Reed Green is a Hydrologist / Adjunct Professor with the USGS. He holds a B.S. and M.S. in Botany (1982 and 1985, respectively) and a Ph.D. in Biology (1998, Limnology) from the University of Arkansas, specializing in watershed hydrology and reservoir limnology, hydrodynamics and water-quality interactions, nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics. Reed holds Adjunct faculty appointments at both University of Arkansas in Little Rock (Biological Sciences and Earth Sciences Departments) and University of Arkansas in Fayetteville (Department of Geosciences). Reed's current research includes studies involving real-time water-quality monitoring and 2- and 3-dimensional models of hydrodynamics and water quality in lakes and reservoirs.

Research Interest

runoff sediment transport streamflow surface water (non-marine) surface water quality


  • Enhancements to the Mississippi Embayment Regional Aquifer Study (MERAS) groundwater-flow model and simulations of sustainable water-level scenarios

  • Bathymetric map, area/capacity table, and sediment volume estimate for Millwood Lake near Ashdown, Arkansas, 2013

  • Chapter A10. Lakes and reservoirs: Guidelines for study design and sampling

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