Thai Quoc Hiep
Board of Management
Petrovietnam Technical Services Corp
Viet Nam
Mr. Thai Quoc Hiep has been Chairman of the Board of Management at Petrovietnam Technical Services Corporation since June 15, 2008. He was General Director of the Company from 2007 to July 30, 2008. He joined the Board of Management at the Company as its Member in 2007. During 2004 and 2006, he held various management roles in Company. Joining the Company in 1993 under Finance and Accounting Office, he was first promoted to management rank as Chief Accounting Officer of a unit under the Company in 1995. From 2001 to 2004, he was Deputy Director at that unit of the Company. Mr. Thai holds a Bachelor's degree in Geophysics and a Master's degree in Business Administration.
Research Interest
Business Administration Geophysics Petrology