Despres Philippe
Department of Clinical Pathology
Union University
Philippe DESPRES (PhD), virologist (h-index 40), was the former director of the virology laboratory « Flavivirus-Host Molecular Interactions » (FHMI) from 2002 to 2014 at the Institut Pasteur, Paris (France). FHMI hosted the National Reference Centre for Arboviruses (France) from 2008 to 2011. The lab studied the biology of arboviruses of medical interest and pathogenesis of arboviral diseases. It has also contributed to the development of innovative tools for laboratory diagnosis and candidate vaccines against arboviruses. Philippe DESPRES is now a virologist integrated into the new Joint Research Laboratory PIMIT (Infectious Processes in Tropical Islands ; tutorships: University of La Reunion island, INSERM, CNRS, IRD) as head of the I2T research team (Immunopathology of Infectious Diseases in the Tropics). PIMIT is hosted by the technology platform CYROI in La Reunion Island. The research projects of I2T are directed towards the comprehensive study of immunopathogenesis of arbovirus-related diseases. Philippe DESPRES has now the rank of university professor at the University of Reunion island.
Research Interest
Arbovirology, Molecular virology, Interactions virus/host-cell (vertebrates and invertebrates), Arbovirus subversion of antiviral innate immunity, Pathogenesis of arbovirus infection, Development of new molecular tools for diagnosis of arbovirus infection, Development of candidate vaccines against arboviruses of medical interest.