Kernan Mzelikahle
Computer Science
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Kernan Mzelikahle is a Lecturer in the department of Computer Science in the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe.
Research Interest
Time Series Analysis, Heuristic Reasoning and Unsupervised Learning analysis technique. This technique is applied in Seismic prediction in the Zimbabwean case. Other research interests: Artificial Intelligence; Cognitive Science; Operating Systems.
J. Mulopa, S. Ndlovu, K. Mzelikahle, T. Nyathi (2015). Using Fuzzy ARTMAP for Symmetric Key Generation. American Journal of Information Science and Computer Engineering 1 (2), 76 - 83
K. Mzelikahle, N. Kokera, K.R. Chilumani (2015). Climate Variability Forecasting using Bat Algorithm Optimised Artificial Neural Network. Zimbabwe Journal of Science and Technology 10, 54 - 68