Samkeliso Dube
Computer Science
National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe
Samkeliso Dube is a Lecturer in the department of Computer Science in the National University of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe.
Research Interest
Monitoring Urban Change and Transformation: A Case of Bulawayo Metropolitan Province. Other Research interests: Image Processing; Cloud Computing
7th ICAT Conference ,Victoria Falls, E-Readiness of Adoption of Internet of Things in Hospitals: A Case of Chitungwiza Central Hospital, Samkeliso Dube, Tinashe Mugaro, Sibonile Moyo,Sibangiso Ngwenya
6th ICAT Conference,Kenya, Jomo Kenyatta University: A Female Gyneacologist for Financially Challenged Pregnant Women, Linda Mahoso,Sbonile Moyo, Sibangiso Ngwenya, Samkeliso Suku Dube
ICT for Africa Conference ,Harare 2013, Computer Ethical Challenges Facing Professionals in Zimbabwe, Juliet B. Msongelwa-Njini and Samkeliso Suku Dube